A bittersweet evening really. The Straight Razor Angels have decided to call it a day, their last gig being at The Shakespeare in Sheffield.
Excellent support came courtesy of Dave Woodcock and the Dead Comedians, a band definitely worth keeping an eye on and I'm sure I'll be seeing more of and writing a piece on in the future. Apparently Dave and the guys were supposed to be top of the bill but graciously gave headline spot to Straight Razor Angels due to the circumstances.
The Angels pulled no punches in delivering a typically rocking performance to a full room and appreciative crowd. yours truly couldn't resist getting down the front for one last bop to one of my favourite bands of recent years. By the end of the night I was hot, sweaty and grinning all over despite being a little sad that this was the last time.
I'd like to wish Vegas, Ross and Eddie the best of luck in their future endeavours and thank them for all the pleasure I've had from seeing them play, cheers guys.