The Ogri Rally, organised by Ogri MCC wouldn't ya know, has a reputation as being one of the best and I'd heartily agree. A great location on Gloucester's Kemble Airfield with plenty of room for camping. Very well laid out beer tents and stalls area enclosing tree covered picnic benches where you can chill out with an afternoon beverage after a hard day perusing merchandise and the bikes on show. Plenty of real ale on tap as well with some particularly potent ciders. I got quite attached to the rum cider but that ran out on Friday night, still there was enough Old Rosie left to console myself with on Saturday.
Some quality music over the weekend starting Friday evening with Welsh all girl trio The Kix, always a rally favourite and ending up Saturday night with the last ever performance for the Glam Gitz. Plenty of fine bands in between but for some reason things got a little blurry.
All due credit to Ogri MCC, a good bunch of people who know how to throw a party. Cheers also to Jerry, Sara and the rest of the guys from Rugby for being great company over the weekend. Hope to catch you guys again soon.