Punk cover and tribute bands are, as our American cousins would say, "a dime a dozen." The Sex Pistols Experience stands head and shoulders above the rest in this respect. Along with excellent local band Reasons To Be Cheerful we were treat to a night of quality classic punk rock.
Reasons To Be Cheerful regularly gig around South Yorkshire and the surrounding area playing punk, new wave and ska from the late 70's / early 80's. Well worth seeing on their own they provided a great warm up to the main act. http://www.reasonstheband.co.uk
The Sex Pistols Experience have played over 1,000 gigs around the world, have been involved with several documentaries and films since 2001 and are recognised as the best Pistols tribute you will see.
Johhny Rotter exudes all the cynisism and bile you would expect as Kid Vicious sneers and baits the audience at every opportunity with Steve Clones and Paul Crook equally enthusiastic in their roles to complete a truly authentic experience. Top notch musicianship combined with all the nasty attitude and energy of the original Pistols shows gave us a fantastic night of old school anarchy leaving everyone sweaty, grinning and howling for more.
More info and gig dates at http://www.sexpistolsexperience.co.uk